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Why ME Training?

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Our delivery methods ensure your program is a success or your money back.
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We offer innovation by bringing the latest workshop programs & HR tools.
Our content, exercises & case studies are up-to-date taken from real industry scenarios.
We're affordable, the quality, service, and features we provide make us your best choice.
We're are Partners with worldwide Learning companies based in North America & Europe

We have teamed with SELF MANAGEMENT GROUP to develop customized state-of-the-art psychometric profiling tools working in 28 countries and over 32 languages.


ME Training is registered and certified training provider at The Board of International Trainers of America (BITA).

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ME Training is now affiliated with ALFAVOX as a Business Partner in the Middle East & GCC. ALFAVOX is a deep routed Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning company based in Poland.

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Head Office

Tel    :  +962 7 99771191

Fax   :  +962 6  581 0796



Amman, Jordan
​Abdullah Ghosheh street,

7th circle, Husseini Group Bld # 55, Office 208.



Copyright © 2024 ME Training.

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